Feathering the nest is a phrase I use often, especially while anticipating the arrival of spring. I used the phrase with a visitor at the studio the other day and she looked at me in confusion. It got me thinking. "What exactly is Feathering the Nest"?
For me, it is all the little extras we do in our decor that make a house a home. This is a large part of what Vintage Pixie Studio is all about. My love of decorating and "Junktiquing" allows me to bring you unique spins on everyday accessories and decor. The idea of using something in a new or unexpected way is satisfying.
I know many of you who visit Vintage Pixie Studio come for inspiration and ideas. Many have asked where my inspiration comes from. Well, it is from everywhere. Books, magazines, nature, other artists and of course from those who visit the studio. I thought I would share some of the photos that inspire me to create...
Aged paper and documents get my heart racing. Throw in hydrangeas, whether fresh or dried and I am in heaven.

Oh how I love chippy Paint!
Some of my favorite collectables, old books and vintage clocks. What a great vignette.
2 perfect examples of repurposing. Love the old suitcases.
I love a little shabby romance.
More favorites -lavender, zinc, vintage pitchers, old letters and fresh flowers.
That's enough for today, but I could go on and on....
all photos found on pinterest